MacLeod Highland Tours visits Kintyre, Islay and Jura.

MacLeod Highland Tours visits Kintyre, Islay and Jura.

The photos show:

1. Tarbert Castle, Kintyre. Here in 1098 Norwegian King Magnus Barelegs ordered his ship be portaged across the isthmus to claim Kintyre as a Hebridean island and therefore part of Norway under the terms of his treaty with the Scots. A feat repeated by King Robert the Bruce to fulfill a prophesy. Tarbert had a Royal garrison in Bruce’s reign.

2. Finlaggan, Islay. One time seat of power of the Lords of the Isles where the Council of the Isles met. Islay is also famed for its whisky.

3. Tarbert, Jura. Ever wondered why the name ‘Tarbert’ appears at many places on Scottish maps. Well it is Gaelic for ‘isthmus’. Logical when you see where the places with this name are.

You can visit this less- known corner of the Highlands with MacLeod Highland Tours.

Fiona Munro-Budd